X9 Seminar Demystifying Blockchain Mechanics by Terence Spies
The Accredited Standards Committee X9 was pleased to sponsor a seminar on Blockchain technology titled “Demystifying Blockchain Mechanics” by Terence Spies. The seminar was held on April 12, 2016. A recording of the seminar is available below for streaming. The recording is in WebEx “ARF”.format. You can download a player from WebEx at the URL below. A technical problem caused the first about 7 minutes to not be recorded. We apologize for the problem. We are working to create a version in MP4 format. The PowerPoint presentation is also available for downing below.
Stream the Seminar From WebEx:
Demystifying Blockchain Seminar – Streaming
Download just the PowerPoint Presentation:
PowerPoint Presentation for Demystifying Blockchain Mechanics