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X9 Releases a New Standard – X9.131

Posted by Ambria Frazier

X9 and ANSI have approved and released standard X9.131.  The title of the standard is: “Financial Transaction Messages – Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) – WIC Retailer Interface Standard for Smart Cards”. This standard will permit commercial card and reader manufacturers, retailer store payment and electronic cash register providers and WIC State Agencies to program components of a WIC EBT smart card solution into their present and future systems. The cost will be reduced to participating retailers and WIC State Agencies through standardized requirements that define the components of a smart card EBT system for the WIC program. The benefits include increased competition, lower costs and greater efficiency and service to provide EBT WIC benefits on integrated retailer cash register systems. This will also facilitate the adoption of new technology and minimize costs to adopt the technology as it evolves over time.

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