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X9 Seeks Participants for New Research into Bank-held Crypto Asset Risks
X9 Seeks Participants for New Research into Bank-held Crypto Asset RisksANNAPOLIS, Md. – March 8, 2023The Accredited Standards Committee X9 Inc. (X9) today announced that it is launching a research effort into the risks associated with crypto assets held by...
New X9 Report Demystifies Quantum Computing Risks
New X9 Report Demystifies Quantum Computing Risks The Accredited Standards Committee X9 Inc. (X9) today announced that it has published an updated version of its Informative Report titled "Quantum Computing Risks to the Financial Services Industry," denoted...
ASC X9 Publishes Final Component of Standard for Mobile Banking and Payments to Businesses, X9.134-5
ASC X9 Publishes Final Component of Standard for Mobile Banking and Payments to Businesses, X9.134-5ANNAPOLIS, Md. – Sept. 14, 2022The Accredited Standards Committee X9 Inc. (X9) today announced that it has released the fifth and final part of a suite of mobile...
ASC X9 Launches Effort To Develop New Standard That Will Enhance QR Code Security Via Cryptography
ASC X9 Launches Effort To Develop New Standard That Will Enhance QR Code Security Via CryptographyANNAPOLIS, Md. – June 8, 2022The Accredited Standards Committee X9 Inc. (X9) today announced an initiative to develop a new standard, "X9.148 -- QR Code Protection...
A leader in worldwide standards for the Financial Services Industry
Providing a supportive environment for volunteers to create standards that improve payments and protect financial information both in the US and internationally.