Call for Participants: Revision of X9.58 Financial transaction messages — Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) — Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and cash benefit programs
Posted by Ambria Frazier
The X9A Retail Payments Subcommittee will soon begin their work on revising the X9.58-2013 Financial transaction messages — Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) — Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and cash benefit programs standard. Standardization of the processing of SNAP EBT transactions provides cost efficiency, ease of conversion, data and reporting consistency for the SNAP program. Stakeholders include USDA FNS, SNAP State programs, SNAP EBT processors, SNAP third-party processors, software developers, terminal manufacturers, retail grocers and their software providers. The subcommittee is looking for subject matter experts and stakeholders who would be interested in revising this standard.
This announcement is being made to ensure that all those interested in participating have the opportunity to work on the standard. If you are interested, please contact X9 staff at so that you can be added to the appropriate workgroup.