Registration for Membership in X9 US TAGs
(TC68, TC321, TC322)
X9 now has a separate United States Technical Advisory Group (TAG) for each of the following ISO technical committees: TC68, TC322 and TC321. Until recently, X9 had just one US TAG for TC68 and all X9 Category A members were automatically made a member. At the fall X9 Board meeting (Oct. 16/17, 2019), the Board voted to make membership in all three TAGs optional to X9 Category A members. That means each Category A Board member must now take action to opt-in to any of the three US TAGs they want to participate in. If a Category A member takes no action, they will be removed from all X9 US TAGs including TC68. Category A members can change their membership in US TAGs at any time in the future by contacting a staff member with their request.
All Category A members are asked to complete the registration form below. There is a short description of each of the ISO technical committees and members are asked to select whether they want to join each corresponding US TAG.