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Cryptographic Algorithm Sunrise/Sunset Study Group


The Cryptographic Algorithm Sunrise/Sunset Study Group has been formed under the X9F subcommittee to document cryptographic algorithm sunrise and sunset dates. This is needed to address industry changes in what is deemed acceptable for adequate protection of sensitive data. As each subcommittee talks about how to move the industry standards forward and away from older inadequate protocols, it was determined the best approach was to scope, select and document sunrise and sunset dates for cryptographic algorithms used in X9 standards.

The proposed objectives for this study group are to:

  • Review and validate the new approach for establishing sunrise and sunset dates for cryptographic algorithms in X9 standards.
  • Identify a minimum scope (i.e. applicable X9 standards and Registry) for each working group.
  • Define an action plan across the working groups to define and document sunrise and sunset dates to address the minimum scope.

Contact us for more details on how you can participate.

Request to Participate

Contact Form Sunrise/Sunset Study Group (#20)