TC68/SC7 Study Group on Digital Currencies
X9 Seminar – Report from TC68/SC7 Study Group on Digital Currencies by Claudia Swendseid
In April of 2015, ISO TC68/SC7 agreed to form a study group on Digital Currencies. The group was chaired by Claudia Swendseid, Senior Vice President – Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis. The scope of the study group is listed below. Claudia presented the results and recommendations from the study group to the ISO TC68 Plenary meeting in Frankfurt last month. Claudia will give the same presentation to X9 on May 24, 2016. If you are interested, please register below. The WebEx information for the call will be emailed to registered participates on May 23.
Scope of Work:
- Digital currencies are an emerging topic with wide-ranging impact and implications across disciplines
- SC 7 established Study Group (SG1) in 2015 to determine if there is international demand sufficient to revise ISO 4217 standard to incorporate digital currency within the standard including:
—Digital currencies with fiat authority
—Digital currencies without fiat authority
- SG1 assessed related issues including security concerns and underlying technology vis-à-vis need for ISO TC 68 standards
Seminar Information:
Date: Tuesday May 24, 2016
Time: 12:00 noon EDT – 1:30 PM EDT
Call information will be emailed on May 23, 2016
Register Below:
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