X9 Seminar – Update on ETSI Quantum Safe Cryptography Workshop by Matthew Campagna (AWS)
Last month, ETSI held a workshop in Seattle on quantum safe cryptography. A number of X9 members attended and several gave presentations. Over the next few months, these members and some X9 colleagues will give their presentations to X9. Matt Campagna will go first and give an overview of the workshop and talk about a few key topics. So far Philip Lafrance (Isara) has agreed to present and there are three others we are contacting to give presentations. At the workshop, information was presented on a new quantum architecture and Dr. Mosca has refined his prediction of when a stable, large scale quantum will be available. We will release details on future seminars shortly.
Please register below to receive the WebEx information for this seminar.
X9 Seminar Information:
Date: Monday, December 16, 2019
Time: 12:00 noon ET – 1:30 PM ET
WebEx information will be emailed to the address below no later than the end of day on December 13, 2019, to those that register below.
Register Below for the Seminar:
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