The Accredited Standards Committee X9 Financial Industry Standards Inc. or more simply X9, is a leader in developing domestic and international open consensus standards for the financial services industry. Our mission is to develop, establish, maintain and promote standards for the Financial Services Industry that facilitates delivery of financial services and products in the United States and around the world.
Daily, people come in contact with or experience the benefits of X9’s financial standards – the layout and subsequent processing of a paper check, protection of PINs, protocols for financial related messaging, electronic security systems, tracking of stock and bond transactions and electronic contracts are just a few. For individuals, these standards simplify our lives and provide new financial related options and functions. For companies, these standards protect information, allow interoperability, increase productivity and allow higher levels of automation.
At X9, representatives from our over 100 member companies develop ANSI and ISO approved financial standards with a goal to protect critical information and improve the reliability and efficiency of the domestic and global financial services industry. Information about our standards is available under the above menu item “Standards”. We are always looking for those that wish to be part of developing domestic and international standards for the financial services industry. If you have any questions, please contact us using the above “Contact” menu item.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Itaque e contrario moderati aequabilesque habitus, affectiones ususque corporis apti esse ad naturam videntur. Mene ergo et Triarium dignos existimas, apud quos turpiter loquare? Cur tantas regiones barbarorum pedibus obiit, tot maria transmisit? O magnam vim ingenii causamque iustam, cur nova existeret disciplina! Perge porro. Animi enim quoque dolores percipiet omnibus partibus maiores quam corporis. Quodsi ipsam honestatem undique pertectam atque absolutam. Sed eum qui audiebant, quoad poterant, defendebant sententiam suam. Duo Reges: constructio interrete.
Nam quid possumus facere melius? Illud mihi a te nimium festinanter dictum videtur, sapientis omnis esse semper beatos; Cum praesertim illa perdiscere ludus esset. Vide ne ista sint Manliana vestra aut maiora etiam, si imperes quod facere non possim. Idem iste, inquam, de voluptate quid sentit? Ampulla enim sit necne sit, quis non iure optimo irrideatur, si laboret?
Mihi enim satis est, ipsis non satis. Est tamen ea secundum naturam multoque nos ad se expetendam magis hortatur quam superiora omnia. Color egregius, integra valitudo, summa gratia, vita denique conferta voluptatum omnium varietate. Illa enim, quae prosunt aut quae nocent, aut bona sunt aut mala, quae sint paria necesse est. Sed vos squalidius, illorum vides quam niteat oratio. Tum Piso: Atqui, Cicero, inquit, ista studia, si ad imitandos summos viros spectant, ingeniosorum sunt;
Restatis igitur vos; Eaedem res maneant alio modo. Possumusne ergo in vita summum bonum dicere, cum id ne in cena quidem posse videamur? Nihilne est in his rebus, quod dignum libero aut indignum esse ducamus? Theophrasti igitur, inquit, tibi liber ille placet de beata vita? Ego vero volo in virtute vim esse quam maximam; In motu et in statu corporis nihil inest, quod animadvertendum esse ipsa natura iudicet? Ab his oratores, ab his imperatores ac rerum publicarum principes extiterunt. An hoc usque quaque, aliter in vita? Quis Pullum Numitorium Fregellanum, proditorem, quamquam rei publicae nostrae profuit, non odit?
Videamus animi partes, quarum est conspectus illustrior; Ut scias me intellegere, primum idem esse dico voluptatem, quod ille don. Sin tantum modo ad indicia veteris memoriae cognoscenda, curiosorum. Hic nihil fuit, quod quaereremus. Qui enim voluptatem ipsam contemnunt, iis licet dicere se acupenserem maenae non anteponere. Hanc ergo intuens debet institutum illud quasi signum absolvere.
New Standard – X9.129 Legal Orders Exchange
New Standard - X9.129 Legal Orders Exchange Posted by Ambria Frazier Annapolis, MD (September 23, 2016) - The Accredited Standards Committee X9 Inc. (X9), developer of standards for the U.S. and global financial services industry, has released a...
BTRS Update Webinar
BTRS Update Webinar Posted by Ambria Frazier In March 2016, Accredited Standards Committee (ASC) X9 issued a third version of its X9.121 Balance Transaction and Reporting Standard (BTRS), which incorporate best practices and code sets from both BAI...
New BTRS Implementation Tool
New BTRS Implementation Tool Posted by Ambria Frazier The BTRS working group has recently released a new BTRS Implementation Tool. This tool was created to help demystify BTRS upgrades as well as to assist with implementation as you upgrade from...
Introducing BTR3
Introducing BTR3 Posted by Ambria Frazier X9.121-2015 Balance and Transaction Reporting Standard (BTRS) Version 3 has been released and is now available. To view this new edition of this standard see our BTRS page. ...
X9 Releases TR-45 Retail Debit Balances Best Practices and Procedures
X9 Releases TR-45 Retail Debit Balances Best Practices and Procedures Posted by Ambria Frazier The Board of Directors at ASC X9 recently approved a new technical report, TR-45 “Retail Debit Balances Best Practices and Procedures.” This technical...
Standards Advisory: Magnetic Ink Still Required on Checks
Standards Advisory: Magnetic Ink Still Required on Checks Posted by Ambria Frazier Magnetic Ink is Still Required on Checks The advent of Check 21 in 2004 brought significant change to check clearing in the United States. Now, more than a decade...
External Processing Codes (EPC) For Remotely Created Checks (RCC)
External Processing Codes (EPC) For Remotely Created Checks (RCC) Posted by Ambria Frazier ECCHO Inc., the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta and Accredited Standards Committee X9 Inc. will sponsor a dial-in presentation titled "External Processing...
X9 Releases a New Standard – X9.131
X9 Releases a New Standard - X9.131 Posted by Ambria Frazier X9 and ANSI have approved and released standard X9.131. The title of the standard is: "Financial Transaction Messages – Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) – WIC Retailer Interface...
X9’s Spring Board Meeting
X9's Spring Board Meeting Posted by Ambria Frazier The spring meeting of X9's Board of Directors starts on Tuesday March 31 at 12:00 PM and ends around noon on April 1. The meetings will be at X9’s offices in Annapolis, MD and are open to all...
X9 Announces New Executive Director
X9 Announces New Executive Director Posted by Ambria Frazier ANNAPOLIS, MD, Oct. 28, 2014 – Accredited Standards Committee X9 Inc. today announced the appointment of Harden (Steve) Stevens to the post of executive director of ASC X9 Inc. The...