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X9 Training: External Processing Code (EPC) and Return Reasons for Image Exchange
X9 Training: External Processing Code (EPC) and Return Reasons for Image Exchange Posted by Ambria Frazier ECCHO, the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta and Accredited Standards Committee X9 Inc. will sponsor a dial-in presentation titled “X9 Training:...
Introducing the Free Standards and Documents Page
Introducing the Free Standards and Documents Page Posted by Ambria Frazier The X9 public website now has a new page titled “Free Standards & Documents”. This page was designed to assist you, the public, to locate standards and other documents...
Introducing the Business Payments Coalition: The former Remittance Coalition broadens its mission
Introducing the Business Payments Coalition: The former Remittance Coalition broadens its mission In recent years, payment industry stakeholders in the U.S. have been collaborating to improve payments efficiency. A quest is underway to achieve the worthy goals...
Claudia Swendseid, Senior Vice President with the Minneapolis Fed and Vice Chair of X9 Announces Retirement
Claudia Swendseid, Senior Vice President with the Minneapolis Fed and Vice Chair of X9 Announces Retirement Posted by Ambria Frazier Press Release: Claudia Swendseid, vice chair of X9's Board, announces retirement from Minneapolis Fed Date: October...
A leader in worldwide standards for the Financial Services Industry
Providing a supportive environment for volunteers to create standards that improve payments and protect financial information both in the US and internationally.