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X9 Launches Two Initiatives: New Mobile Payments Standard and Zero Trust Technical Report
X9 Launches Two Initiatives: New Mobile Payments Standard and Zero Trust Technical ReportANNAPOLIS, MD. – Oct. 2, 2019Subject Matter Experts Sought for Both Projects The Accredited Standards Committee X9 Inc. (X9) today announced the launch of two new projects,...
X9 Webinar| Identifying Remotely Created Checks
X9 Webinar| Identifying Remotely Created ChecksRecent estimates indicate RCCs flowing through the payments system number in the millions. The remotely created check, or RCC, is defined in state and federal regulation as a check that is not created by the paying...
Call for Experts for 3 New X9 Initiatives: Blockchain Report Audit Framework, “Secret Sharing” Standard, and Data Protection and Breach Notification Standard
Call for Experts for 3 New X9 Initiatives: Blockchain Report Audit Framework, "Secret Sharing" Standard, and Data Protection and Breach Notification StandardANNAPOLIS, Md. – June 12, 2019 The Accredited Standards Committee X9 Inc. (X9) today announced three new...
ASC X9 Named U.S. Technical Advisory Group for New ISO Standards Committee: TC 322, Sustainable Finance
ASC X9 Named U.S. Technical Advisory Group for New ISO Standards Committee: TC 322, Sustainable FinanceANNAPOLIS, Md. – April 18, 2019 -- The Accredited Standards Committee X9 Inc. (X9) today announced that it will serve as the U.S. Technical Advisory Committee...
A leader in worldwide standards for the Financial Services Industry
Providing a supportive environment for volunteers to create standards that improve payments and protect financial information both in the US and internationally.